Какая она классная.
Умилило: During an intermission, we got to see her son, Kousuke do some juggling and other performance tricks while wearing an official Zoro costume that he borrowed from Kazuya Nakai himself :333

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"Tanaka-san expressed numerous times that it was unbelievable that so many people in the US not only had such a strong interest in anime like One Piece, but had such a strong interest in her since she only speaks Japanese and all of her roles are done in Japanese. She said that she was flattered and honored to meet so many enthusiastic fans and the fans were more than happy to have a chance to meet her and interact with her. She mentioned that in Japan, most of the anime fans seemed more introverted in a way and she was happy to see that so many fans in the US were so enthusiastic about their love for anime and her work. She seemed to have a great time in Seattle and I’m sure the fans in Seattle are hoping for her to return soon".

Знала бы Танака-сан сколько у нее и у Ван Писа фанов в России.
